Incepand cu 16�/zi inchirieri masini in bucuresti |
Inchirieri de limuzine in Bucuresti si alte servicii de inchirieri cu sofer |
Transfer-uri de la/spre aeroportul Otopeni catre toate destinatiile. |
Inchirieri Microbuze in Bucuresti pentru curse turistice sau de afaceri |

Sistem securizat 3-D |
Preturi mai ieftine decat la receptie |
Rezervare garantata fara plata in avans |
Despre sistemul 3-D Secure |
Confirmarea rezervari la hotelul dorit se poate face prin orice card VISA sau MasterCard (sunt acceptate atat cardurile de credit cat si cele de debit). XTravel este certificata 3-D Secure de catre VISA si MasterCard prin Romcard pentru tranzactii online cu orice card. |
3D Secure asigura in primul rand ca nici o informatie legata de cardul dumneavoastra nu este transferata sau stocata, la nici un moment de timp, pe serverele noastre, aceste date fiind direct introduse in sistemele Visa si MasterCard. |
In plus, 3D Secure este un sistem de autentificare a identitatii posesorilor de carduri in mediu electronic. Procesul de autentificare a posesorului cardului se face pe baza codului de securitate cunoscut numai de posesor si se desfasoara numai pe serverele Visa sau MasterCard. |
Sistemul 3D Secure permite efectuarea de plati on-line cu orice card emis sub licenta Visa sau MasterCard, inclusiv cele de debit si cele electronice Maestro si Visa Electron. Sunt acceptate si cardurile virtuale emise de aceste organizatii. |
Securizat de: |
ROMCARD 3D-Secure Technology SSL |
Securitatea tranzactiilor la Hoteluri Bucuresti este oferita de RomCard liderul roman in domeniul sistemelor de plata prin carti de credit. |
mai multe detalii |
Incepand cu doar 29€ /noapte, cazare regim hotelier in apartamente complet echipate. |
Inchirieri apartamente Bucuresti pe termen scurt alternativa la hoteluri, pensiuni! |
Vedeti oferta de cazare apartamente bucuresti last minute cu reduceri pana 50%. |
Oferta de cazare in bucuresti reprezinata o oportunitate de cazare ieftina. |
Hi-speed Internet, DVD/Music |
Opiniile Clientiilor Nostri |
Comentarii de la clienti reali. Ca si Dvs. |
Comentariile sunt scrise de oameni ce au fost in Romania si au beneficiat de serviciile noastre (cazare si/sau transport). |
Va rugam sa impartasiti opinia dvs. despre Bucharest Romania Hotels. Va multumim! |
Scrieti un comentariu impartasind gandurile dvs. si cu alti clienti. |
Ambient Hotel |
Postat de John B. (Poland) in 11/28/2007 |
Very good overall, excellent value for money, clean rooms, friendly staff. I would most certainly recommend staying here. |
Rating: Cel mai recomandat |
A fost util comentariul: Da sau Nu |
Golden Tulip Hotel |
Postat de Jose T. (Portugal) in 11/19/2007 |
friendly and helpful staff.the food was great also, especially the fresh baked breads & fruit. it is in the heart of the city itself |
Rating: Recomandat |
A fost util comentariul: Da sau Nu |
Bella Musica Hotel |
Postat de kirt68 (UK) in 11/15/2007 |
The hotel was nice and the rooms were comfortable. The staff were at times abrupt. The breakfast was basic. The location was brilliant as the hotel is not in the main town. The door staff are excellent. |
Rating: Cel mai recomandat |
A fost util comentariul: Da sau Nu |
belvedere cluj |
Postat de garry (london) in 10/27/2007 |
on entering you will be aware of terrible smell - reminscent of greasy spoon! the pool has its own growth of penecillin, limited breakfast which is a reflection of the service from frustrated staff, no air conditioning, the shower water being yellow (as the general decor). given a 4 star rating - why? should be 2 - for the same price - shop around and stay elsewhere!!
Rating: Nerecomandabil |
A fost util comentariul: Da sau Nu |
Not what it seems - DEJA VU PENSION, CLUJ NAPOCA |
Postat de Jo (LONDON) in 9/24/2007 |
When you first see the location, you are stunned by its appearance. But all is not what it seem once you get inside. The interior is quite dark. Not much natural light. The hallway to your room has a lighting on a sensor switch. Which switches the lights off after a very short time (have to be quick to open the door to your room before the lights go out). For a place that claims to be a 5* hotel, this is certainly not the case. The rooms are small and the hidden costs like the internet are very expensive. If you are on a business trip, this hotel would be an expensive stay.
Rating: Nerecomandabil |
A fost util comentariul: Da sau Nu |